Brain Building Together

A special space for caregivers and their children aged birth through three to play and spend time together—two powerful ingredients for healthy development according to current brain science. Explore objects, make things happen, share stories, investigate with your senses, snuggle, play peekaboo, and observe your child’s own unique ways of playing. All of these and more are Brain Building Moments!

In the Brain Building Together gallery you will find printed copies of our Exploration Learning Guide for parents and caregivers, a resource of prompts and suggestions for opportunities to practice "serve and return" responsive interactions with your child. Responsive interactions with a caring adult are an important building block for healthy brain development. You can also review and print the Guide here in one of six languages prior to your visit, and/or after your visit for ideas for post-visit activities and conversations that reinforce learning: 

In This Exhibit

Gross Motor Area

A three-level climber sized just-right for crawlers, cruisers, and toddlers with lots of nooks and crannies, peepholes, and surprises to spark the adult-child interaction that is so important for early brain development. Little ones can also use the ball-and-track wall to predict and visually track, a latch wall to move hinged parts, and push carts for supported moving and collecting.

Messy-Sensory Area

Explore our multi-level, luminescent light table, cause-and-effect switches, and sensory activities--smocks available!

Story Sharing Area

Sturdy books, pillows, props--everything you need for you and your little one to create and share stories.

Pre-walker Area

Take off your shoes and explore objects, textures, and reflections with your not-yet-walking little one.